Achievement Institution Australia

AIA - Achievement Institute Australia (RTO: 45667) is a well-known Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that offers high-quality vocational education and training (VET) courses.



Service Industry

Service Used

Website development, website management and maintenance, Domain Hosting, Digital Marketing, SEO, Social Media Management, Lead Generation.


AIA website (WordPress)
Social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin)


Media post, blog post, copy content, visual Ad.

Key Takeaways

AIA opt out for web development and digital marketing services due to issues with their current web platforms and official website. We developed a user-friendly website and digital marketing strategies increased their online presence, audience, and targeted traffic to their website. We worked to help AIA reach and engage vocational education and training students.


AIA - Achievement Institute Australia (RTO: 45667) is a well-known Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that offers high-quality vocational education and training (VET) courses. AIA has been at the forefront of vocational education for the last 1.6 years. It was started with a strong commitment to giving people the power and skills they need to be successful in their chosen careers.


Their courses are carefully made to combine theoretical knowledge with practical, hands-on training. This makes sure that students get the skills and knowledge they need to work. They create an immersive learning environment that prepares students for the needs of their chosen industry by combining academic theory with real-world application.


AIA has a dedicated team of professionals with years of experience who are passionate about helping students reach their full potential. We focus on competency assessments and the National Continuing Professional Development standards when teaching and learning.

The Challenge

Achievement Institution Australia (AIA) encountered a substantial challenge regarding their digital presence. Specifically, they lacked an official website and social media channels, resulting in a limited ability to generate leads and engage with potential students in the online realm. AIA faced a significant deficiency in their digital footprint, making it arduous for prospective students to discover them through online platforms.


AIA also faced trouble because it didn't have a Google Business Profile (GBP). The absence of a GBP page meant that AIA lacked visibility in Google search results and maps, missing out on a valuable opportunity to connect with potential students, build trust, and enhance their online reputation. The lack of a GBP profile also deprived AIA of online reviews, which play a crucial role in attracting new students and helping them assess the quality of the courses and the institution. Also, AIA did not have an active social media presence. So, it was harder for them to connect with their target audience, share important information about the industry, and position themselves as leaders in the vocational training and education sector.

Our Approach

The Quadque web development team started the AIA website development program, putting most of our attention on the website's look and how it works as a whole. Our first step was to do a lot of research and figure out where we needed to make changes.


Knowing how important it is to have a strong online presence, we took steps to improve AIA's visibility and engagement. One of the most important things we did was set up a Google Business Profile for AIA. This made it easy for potential clients to find and connect with AIA through Google search results.Our digital marketing team created and manages AIA's social media presence. We made active accounts on well-known sites like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Through these channels, we share news, updates, and success stories from the industry with AIA's audience. Our team did a lot of research on keywords to make AIA's website better for search engines and help them reach more people. We wanted to improve AIA's search engine rankings by putting these keywords in the website's content and meta tags in a smart way. This would bring in a bigger audience and more organic traffic.We overcame a number of challenges and undertook a series of steps in order to accomplish a successful and seamless digital transition. We stayed committed to raising AIA's visibility, engagement, and industry recognition, which strengthened their place as a top provider of high-quality vocational education and training courses.


  • Development of a visually appealing and user-friendly website enhancing user experience and seamless browsing for visitors.

  • Increased social media audience and engagement. Effective targeting of the audience through social media platforms.

  • The GPB listing enhanced their credibility and trustworthiness, as clients could now easily access essential business information and reviews.

  • Generated 50+ leads  in the very first month through social media marketing, and SEO ranking efforts.

  • Successfully converted two leads into actual clients within the same month.

  • Improved search engine rankings, leading to increased website visibility and organic traffic.

  • Successful lead generation and conversion, translating leads into actual clients for AIA. 



“AIA's online presence has changed thanks to Quadque's excellent web development and marketing services. Their marketing skills have helped us get more visitors and make our websites and social media channels better. With their help, we've gotten a lot of leads and people to interact with us.”
- Team AIA

What we have learnt

During the AIA website development and digital marketing, we faced challenges in communication with the management and had some knowledge gaps. However, we successfully addressed specific issues, implemented frameworks, and conducted effective digital marketing strategies, resulting in a significant outcome for the website's maintenance, modernization, and online presence.

Company Benefits

Who We Are

Quadque is the best digital partner for ingenious web services and digital marketing solutions. We are working with the world’s leading enterprises and SMEs to address their technological obstacles. We help many businesses elevate their valuations through custom software development, identity design, digital marketing services, AI applications and IOT tools.

23+ Experts Worldwide

Our worldwide team of professionals possesses the right combination of talents and expertise for your technical needs. We have experienced groups of specialists.

50+ Happy Customers

We transform our clients' businesses in the major industry sectors with adaptable, innovative, powerful and value-based digital solutions that satisfy modern needs.