Bright College Australia

Diploma in Commercial Cookery and Hospitality Management



Rto in Commercial Cookery and Hospitality Management

Service Used

Digital marketing, Brand Marketing, Lead generation campaigns


BRIGHT COLLEGE'S Social Platforms

(Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Medium)


Copy Content, Visual Ad, Media post, blog post

The Challenge

BRIGHT COLLEGE was passing a big trauma to organize their social media. They had low social media lines, and the existing media pages were not totally optimized according to the requirements. Despite that, Bright College couldn't operate the digital marketing promotion in the right format, which cost them a huge amount. Even their posted graphic and motion ads were not attractive or engaging according to the need of the target audiences. Also, they failed to input related contexts to serve the online spectators. BRIGHT COLLEGE team possessed to perform well and had low online promotional activities. 

We guide you on every step in your career to provide a world-class education experience.


Bright College Australia (BCA) is a Registered Training Organisation with the goal of providing a world-class educational experience by delivering first-hand learning certificates of skills that can be transferred into a real-world environment. BCA was established in 2016, and it privately operates Recognition Prior Learning (RPL) operations. The physical office of the BCA is situated in WOLLONGONG NSW, Australia. Ms. Maria Cammarano is one of the directors of Bright College Australia. Along with that, Mr. Dew Gomes is playing the current CEO and Public representative of Bright College Australia. We provide RPL-accredited qualifications within a short process in Australia and offer the RPL and a range of nationally recognized qualifications from Certificate III, IV in Business Administration & Management to a Diploma in Baking and Hospitality.

The Challenge

BRIGHT COLLEGE was passing a big trauma to organize their social media. They had low social media lines, and the existing media pages were not totally optimized according to the requirements. Despite that, Bright College couldn't operate the digital marketing promotion in the right format, which cost them a huge amount. Even their posted graphic and motion ads were not attractive or engaging according to the need of the target audiences. Also, they failed to input related contexts to serve the online spectators. BRIGHT COLLEGE team possessed to perform well and had low online promotional activities. 

Their management team failed to sprint any successful media buying campaigns, which affected the company's brand value and started to lose organic leads simultaneously. So, heading with such a measurable situation, they wanted to apply some smart techniques for the promotional tasks and digital marketing settlements under some proposed terms.  

As the sales of RPL were dropping, and the top management was not pleased with the performance. They didn't even have any social media management procedure. They had no parameter controller for those media buying results or page optimization, which caused a low graphical outcome for the BRIGHT COLLEGE end. So, combining a media package of digital marketing and event campaigns, including email marketing, content posting, lead generation, and other online fixing issues, was the main obligation for Quadque Technology.

Our Approach

BRIGHT COLLEGE was very much deliciated with the traditional term, but sadly they couldn't pull any best string to rise the online marketing. Quadque was assigned to perform their digital marketing tasks and provide other digital services according to the contract. As we got the work order, our delighted team just started their part of the job by deciding on an operation program named "Bright College Digital." 

At first, we set up a Facebook business page, including various media accounts on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, Medium, and other relevant platforms. As well as we did monitor jobs for the BRIGHT COLLEGE media pages. Then we inserted different contexts, product listings, and copy contents according to the on-demand requirements and had a daily schedule for sharing engagement posts in those media throughout the operation time. We allocated to publish 6-8 content posts per day, and our graphic designer made it possible according to each media specification. In the content list, we kept various static posts, motion graphics, multiple fun posts, unique articles/blogs, and engaging event posts for Bright College's social media. Our team planned to share copy contexts, campaign promotions, news publications, ad sense copy, and other relevant services for BRIGHT COLLEGE media platforms every month. Those graphical designs were super attractive and focused on SEO-friendly for online users. 

Later on, we planned to set the target audiences and regions to operate different promotional campaigns. Following the target audience, the digital marketing team did the operational tasks for the online pages with media buying, Facebook followers boosting, creating product promotional content for each online plate, and the content rotations for the total operation periods. We even optimized ads and promotional campaigns on special occasions or events by targeting the BRIGHT COLLEGE audiences. We worked on page promotion to increase likes/followers and charged for operating lead generation campaigns from time to time. Along with that, we provided the services with video content and helped to reach the target views for their YouTube channels. The business development team approached different digital marketing strategies and applied those to a planned result. Based on the market condition and to attract the target group of people, we developed our reach by considering the client needs and scheduled to perform on-demand service in multiple events. 

Besides that, we were promoted to follow a digital marketing calendar for all tasks and put new ideas for the month in advance. At the end of the month, we researched the overall outcomes of BRIGHT COLLEGE's media marketing traffic, google SEO, branding, and sales demand. Moreover, we were highly focused on the lead generation and solved various online issues throughout the daily team meetings.    

Finally, the "BRIGHT COLLEGE Digital" operation had to go through many phases to keep the workflow on track. On a regular schedule, we faced communication gaps with BRIGHT COLLEGE management and got a lack of information to deliver our day-to-day activities. Still, we manage to operate a significant role in maintaining and modernizing the digital marketing framework to solve various BRIGHT COLLEGE online issues. 


  • The outcome of this digital marketing operation helped create brand value, and the engagement ratio was high among most working women interested in cookery and hospitality management. 

  • They got a number of 280+ leads engagement for the RPL qualifications after Quadque accumulated in the BRIGHT COLLEGE Digital operation. 

  • The sales growth successfully reached 50% more than usual, and that was a big outcome of the project initiatives. 



  • From the promotion of digital marketing and online campaigns, BRIGHT COLLEGE managed to get 30,000 visitors, reach, and impressions per month, which was a tremendous improvement of their brand value. 

  • Also, they got some free assessments from the ad’s promotions and got free website traffic from Quadque’s digital marketing operation.  

  • Along with this operation, we selected several target groups, mainly depending on the woman’s interests. Even earned huge responses from the email marketing campaign, which approximately reached 1500 people from one active event. 

  • This RTO can bring remarkable success to beat competitors in the RPL market. Overall, Quadque helped BRIGHT COLLEGE to become the market leader and fabricate values in the cookery and hospitality industry around Australia.


"Quadque managed to result in a huge change by creating quality online platforms and unique media content for us. With outstanding coverage, they managed to build a strong base in those platforms and did an excellent maintenance job for our entire online business. As we able to beat our competitors in terms of increasing the brand value, grade and the target lead from the online platforms." - Team Bright College

What we have learnt

Company Benefits

Who We Are

Quadque is the best digital partner for ingenious web services and digital marketing solutions. We are working with the world’s leading enterprises and SMEs to address their technological obstacles. We help many businesses elevate their valuations through custom software development, identity design, digital marketing services, AI applications and IOT tools.

23+ Experts Worldwide

Our worldwide team of professionals possesses the right combination of talents and expertise for your technical needs. We have experienced groups of specialists.

50+ Happy Customers

We transform our clients' businesses in the major industry sectors with adaptable, innovative, powerful and value-based digital solutions that satisfy modern needs.