"We are happy that we now have a stable website with quality design and performance. We are highly satisfied with the outstanding design and development." -Team Capital Law Chamber
A prestigious corporate law firm based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Website theme design, development, and maintenance.
Corporate Law firm in the Legal Industry
Website theme design, development, and maintenance
Web copywriting, legal documentation, descriptions of practice areas, and news about legal matters
Legal services website development has a number of challenges. Creating a specialised website for a legal firm not only requires good knowledge and skills in web development, but it also needs thorough research of the industry. Therefore, the Quadque team spent a great deal of time to study this sector and come up with a good solution. We had to make sure that our team effectively described every possible option to CLC. We did not want to make the process too complicated for the client. So we presented several ideas in clear and easy language to avoid confusions. Time was also an important factor. So we had to keep that in mind as well.
Corporate Law Firm in the Legal Industry. Platform-WordPress.
Capital Law Chamber (CLC) is known as one of the prestigious corporate law firms based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. They operate in two branches located in Gulshan and Motijheel. Each of their practice areas is highly regarded, and their lawyers are recognised throughout the country for their commitment to representing their clients’ interests. Throughout their history, they have played a central role in developing how the law is practiced, how lawyers are trained, and how business risk is managed. The goal of CLC is to be the firm of choice for clients with respect to their most challenging legal issues, most significant business transactions, and most critical disputes.
Law firm websites should ideally maintain a high standard of quality. Their websites are a reflection of their professionalism, a very important factor in this sector. Capital Law Chamber (CLC) previously owned another website to represent their firm and services. Unfortunately, their previous site was backdated. Also, it did not contain adequate information relevant to their service. CLC was concerned about these issues and contacted us to develop a new website for them.
Some of the key challenges that we faced in this project were:
Choosing a domain name for the new CLC website.
Creating an easily-navigable legal services website.
Using professional visuals and a theme for the website.
Including relevant content in the pages about CLC’s services.
Meeting the special requirements of the client during development and maintenance.
This project was named Project CLC (Web Build).
We began Project CLC (Web Build) after getting the work order. A practical flowchart was created to better manage different teams for the project.
We then decided to focus on researching what we needed to know in order to develop a well-developed website for the client. We compared the best examples of legal websites and made an outline of some common features. Experts from all teams cooperated with one another to develop this research.
After getting approval from CLC regarding choosing a domain name, we started working on the development, themes, and designs simultaneously. We primarily used WordPress for CLC.
The UI/UX designer ensured that site visitors could easily navigate the pages. The aim was that visitors wouldn’t have to spend too much time looking for the right information.
Our design team emphasised professional and visually-soothing designs for this particular project. We avoided strong colours.
Our content team developed several engaging web copies in a formal style for the home page, landing pages, and other sections. We also published SEO-friendly news about legal matters, legal documentation, and descriptions of practice areas.
We were always vigilant about any maintenance issues like crashes or errors. We resolved these issues promptly if they occurred.
We maintained regular communication with the client and listened to their feedback and additional suggestions. The project was finished in 3 weeks.
Compared to their earlier website, the new website did a much better job at attracting more clients.
There were around 150+ monthly site visitors. Also, 35 to 40 clients engaged with the new CLC website in just 6 months.
During that same time, CLC received a substantial number of online queries regarding their law firm.
CLC’s services were arranged based on practice areas, and motion graphics were used to showcase their clients and lawyers. This ensured the perfect mix of seamless navigability and aesthetics.
The well-developed SEO-friendly content generated good traffic.
The names, pictures, qualifications, and contact details of the lawyers were mentioned. As a result, this created more trust among prospective clients and generated more responses.
There were almost no issues while maintaining the website. The client was pleased with the new user-friendly interface and the modern designs.
Overall, CLC was extremely happy with our web development and maintenance services, and we tried our best to follow their instructions at all stages
"We are happy that we now have a stable website with quality design and performance. We are highly satisfied with the outstanding design and development." -Team Capital Law Chamber
CLC was impressed with our work as we were able to deliver one of the most professional looking websites in the legal services sector of Bangladesh. They were pleased with how fast we delivered the work and our team is also proud to work with such as a well-known organisation offering various legal services.
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Quadque is the best digital partner for ingenious web services and digital marketing solutions. We are working with the world’s leading enterprises and SMEs to address their technological obstacles. We help many businesses elevate their valuations through custom software development, identity design, digital marketing services, AI applications and IOT tools.
Our worldwide team of professionals possesses the right combination of talents and expertise for your technical needs. We have experienced groups of specialists.
We transform our clients' businesses in the major industry sectors with adaptable, innovative, powerful and value-based digital solutions that satisfy modern needs.